

Photography excites me because, as with any form of creative expression, each image is linked to a memory - a moment of coming together between light, color, contrast, and composition. A snapshot of emotion.

And with all forms of creative expression, it can be shared with others in hopes that they, too, feel. In hopes that they, too, get a sense of the moment.

Photograph of a leopard looking into the camera


One of the cruelest truths of life is the sheer amount there is to do in this world and the short time in which we have to explore it all.

In hopes of growing myself as much as possible and experiencing as much as possible - I’ve ventured on an unguided attempt to complete an extensive and ever-expanding bucket list.

I plan to document each of these adventures and share my thoughts on the experiences with anyone willing to hear them.

Hikers standing atop the Drakensburg Mountains on a foggy day


An area for a weekly summary of this life of mine.

Ramblings of the endeavors, adventures, hardships, and mundane happenings in a week-by-week playback.

New posts every Sunday.